We made it... Our long cross-country drive was a success. We have left the beautiful mountains of North Carolina for the warm sunny deserts of Arizona. It took us three days and we managed to make it without killing one another.
Our lives in Arizona are pretty simple, but great. Spring Training has officially begun, which means Blaine is off playing ball for most of the day. I try to stay busy by expanding on my baking and organization skills (thank you pinterest), while enjoying the wonderful sunshine outside.
One thing that is truly great about living here in Arizona, is that the temple is so close. This past week we had the opportunity to go to the Mesa Temple with the Layton's. It was so uplifting. The work that we have a chance to help with is fantastic. To be able to return to the temple and learn more about this gospel brings so much joy to my life. I am grateful for the blessings I am given each and every day. Blessings such as a wonderful family, great influences, and most of all...
an amazing husband that cares for me and takes me to the house of the Lord.