Officially a week left till this little ones due date and we couldn't be more excited. Some days I can't believe that it's so close and other days I feel like I have been pregnant for FOR-EVVVVV-ER! We have done all we can do so far to prepare for his arrival... Clean clothes, organize, and oh yeah... MOVE. That's right... at 38.5 weeks we moved into another apartment. (Surprised it didn't kick start labor... guess he is just taking his sweet little time) Moving really takes a lot out of you... Especially when it is from a third floor apartment to a second floor in a completely different building. Packing up everything, cleaning the old apartment, and organizing the new has been such a chore. I hated the feeling of being useless and not really being able to move anything. Good thing I married such an amazing man that works his tail off and does what needs to get done. Also, we have some pretty great men/missionaries in our ward that were kind enough to volunteer their time and muscles. (One of the guys actually works for the local fire department and brought his crew with him in their rig... they were heaven sent)
Pregnancy has been a bit of a breeze for me. I haven't really been sick or too uncomfortable these past nine 9 months. I have loved all the sweet kicks from our little babe and knowing he is always with me... BUT I am SO EXCITED about having my body back and being able to sleep on my stomach again. This guy moves all of the time. Late in the evening is his favorite time to stretch and show us how tall he is. It has been fun trying to guess what is making my tummy poke out; his arms, legs, hands, bum... But it is going to be even better when we can kiss and love on all those parts in person.
No Braxton Hicks quite yet (or any other signs of labor) but I do find myself being just as tired as I was in the first trimester... and poor B has had to deal with my cranky prego hormones when I get exhausted from a long day. I wish I could sleep in and/or nap whenever I want but duty calls and I must work. Yes, I am still working. Planning on working at the school until this babe decides to make his debut. Along with my sleepiness, I have gone back to craving potato anything... fries, chips, baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc. This kids sure loves his carbs. but who doesn't?!?
We only have a few more things to do to completely be ready for this kid. Install his car seat, get more diapers, and basically just breath... Life is about to change for us dramatically but we couldn't be more thrilled about our new addition coming and making us a family of 3!!!
1 comment:
I am so happy for you both! This will be the very best day of your life, the day he is born. You will be the most beautiful Mother inside and out. I only wish we lived closer so I could help you and babysit. I am so craving a baby Ha ha ha ha .......
Love you
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