I am currently working 2 jobs. I am working at Youngker High School in Buckeye again, and I am still waiting tables at Native New Yorker. It is really funny when customers at Native try to decide if I am pregnant or not. (people constantly tell me that I am tiny for 7 months) On Saturday I had a table full of ladies and every time I walked away they were whispering and debating on who was going to ask if I was or wasn't.
I've found out there are a few things that I definitely took for granted before my belly started to grow. Things such as sitting up in bed, putting on my work shoes, walking up 3 flights of stairs to our apartment, and getting into the truck with a skirt on. B likes to get a good chuckle in.. then he acts like the gentleman he is and helps me in every way possible. I know I say it a lot, but I truly am a lucky lady to have him.
Yesterday I took the dreaded glucose test and it wasn't as bad as everyone warned me about. Tasted like non-carbonated fruit punch... Not my fav, but bearable. After I finished and they started my "tummy check", lil' man was having a field day. The Doc was having a hard time getting his heartbeat because he wouldn't quit dancing around in there. Gave us a good laugh.
Every day is another day closer to having our little one arrive and I CANT WAIT! I am getting so excited to welcome him to this world and see his sweet little face. Don't get me wrong... I am scared, nervous, and not yet ready for this next chapter of our lives... But man oh man I can hardly contain myself for the bundle of joy that we are about to receive.
Yesterday I took the dreaded glucose test and it wasn't as bad as everyone warned me about. Tasted like non-carbonated fruit punch... Not my fav, but bearable. After I finished and they started my "tummy check", lil' man was having a field day. The Doc was having a hard time getting his heartbeat because he wouldn't quit dancing around in there. Gave us a good laugh.
Every day is another day closer to having our little one arrive and I CANT WAIT! I am getting so excited to welcome him to this world and see his sweet little face. Don't get me wrong... I am scared, nervous, and not yet ready for this next chapter of our lives... But man oh man I can hardly contain myself for the bundle of joy that we are about to receive.
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