

Hunter [4 and 5 Months]...

I have a love-hate relationship with this "growing" thing....
I love seeing Hunters personality shine and watch him experience new things, 
but I hate how FAST it is all happening. 
The past 5 months have flown by. 
 ^^ 4 Months^^                       ^^5 Months^^

sits up like a champ / loves to sleep on his belly / is very ticklish and just figured out you are supposed to laugh when tickled /  smiles and giggles all day long / loves when Dada comes home / gives the best little hugs / enjoys evening walks / is a little sunshine boy (loves pool days) / drinks from a sippy-cup / splashes all over the place in the tub / weighed over 18lbs at his 4 month check up / has blonde hair (not sure how that happened) / puts everything in his mouth, especially water bottles /  his toes are his current obsession / loves to rough house and play with Momma and Dada