THIS GUY is 7.5 months and has totally stolen my heart!
I am a little behind and sad that I missed his 6 month update so there is a lot to catch up on.
Hunter Blaine Howell is the happiest, easiest babe I ever did see.
-In size 4 diapers and 12-18 month clothes
-At his 7 month check up he weighed 20.8 lbs and was 28.5 inches tall
-Hunter is a total blonde boy (not sure how that happened) with bright baby blues that I am in love with
-He has 6 teeth total... 4 top, 2 bottom. For a while he only had his two fangs and the bottom two. Little vampire babe.
-He is a champ at solid foods. He loves chicken and gravy, peas, green beans, mixed veggies, baby puffs, black beans, and blueberry/apples
-Hasn't had the greatest experiences with squash, sweet potatoes, and apricots. (he loves to eat them but the coming out part is not so great)
-He has been getting pretty good with feeding himself and holding his own sippy. At the same time though, everything that is NOT food also goes straight to the mouth. (he has a strange obsession with tags... If there is a tag on a toy, thats the only part he'll play with)
-Favorite chew toy, Nerf dart. I got B a Nerf gun for Easter and Hunter fell in love with the darts.
-He is still a cuddle bug. Snuggles with Mama but is infatuated with Dada. No one makes him smile/laugh quite like him
-B is quite "rough" with H and I love it. Boys will be boys... He thoroughly enjoys being thrown around and played with more than anything
-A new trick of his is Drinking from a straw and he loves to suck on ice
-Hunter is a social butterfly. He adores people and smiles at most everyone... Especially kids and elderly people
-He loves to be passed around. He'll go to most anyone
-He's not sleeping through the night quite yer. Still wakes up once at night but we did finally move him into his own room. Goes to bed around 10, wakes up around 4, and back up at 7.
-He has been making raspberry sounds and a grunting/laughing sound that makes me smile
-As you can see from my latest insta post he has started to scoot/crawl all over the place. Nothing is safe anymore
-He really dislikes sitting, he would rather stand all-day every-day.