11 Months... REALLY?!
How is this possible?
He is growing up way too fast!
There is no way my little boy is almost a year old and walking around like a little person.
- He is a WALKING MACHINE! (started around 10.5 months) He is non-stop, go go go, and gets into everything.
- The past few weeks Hunter has become quite the chatterbox. Especially when he is walking. Once he gets out of a car seat, chair, someones arms, ect... his feet and mouth don't stop.
- Mum, Da, Vroom, Nene
- This little guy loves cars, dump trucks, and other things that go "vroom". When we were at my parents house he walked right up to my dads motorcycle and circled it saying, "VROOM VROOM VROOM"
- He loves to be chased, tickled, thrown around, and played with.
- Hunter eats just about anything. Beef, chicken, turkey, sauteed mushrooms, graham crackers, bananas, noodles, apple juice... you name it, he'll eat it.
- He has four teeth on top, plus two molars. Two bottom teeth and one more coming in.
- Wearing 12-18 month clothes and weights about 22 lbs.
- He is an amazing sleeper. Goes to bed around 9:45 and wakes around 7:15. Usually takes a short 45 min morning nap, a 2 hr afternoon nap, and occasionally takes a small evening nap as well.
Hunter is such a sweet little man. He is definitely a boy, through and through. Already covered in bumps and bruises and loves to get into everything. He hates when you sit somewhere that he cant climb all over you, so I pretty much always sit on the floor. Blaine is Hunters best friend. He cant get enough of his Dada.