I caught a wish! This morning when I got in my car I noticed a little wish that had landed on my windshield. It reminded me of the classic Disney movie Cinderella...
A dream is a wish your heart makes...
We all have dreams and aspirations that we live for each and every day. It is up to us to push ourselves in order to achieve what we want most.
Dandelions have been known to represent happiness and faith.
I remember when I was just a little one, picking as many as I could, and wishing for the stars, for love, and for joy! We all want to be happy and be with the ones we love. By having faith I feel comforted in knowing that I do have that chance... a chance to be eternally joyous, to be loved forever, and live with those that I care for most.
So now I wish to the dandelions,
I'll name them one by one,
And then I'll take a blow at them
as soon as I am done.
I grasp the delicate stem,
Bringing it near to my lips
To make a Wish, a prayer.
I wish for peace, in the world
and in my heart.
I wish for love, true love.
I wish for direction, for hope.
I blow with all my breath
and wish with all my being.
With the dandelions
do I now let my wishes go,
having faith they'll be granted
on the day I let them flow.
As I have grown I have learned some of lives greatest lessons. I wouldn't change them for anything! Knowing what I know now has helped me prepare for the journey ahead. Taking one step at a time and having a few trips and falls along the way is only helping me get closer to my dreams/wishes. I only hope that I will always remember what it was like to be a little child... being so young and innocent and finding joy in the simplest of things. Always believing that I could do anything I set my mind to.
Just like the little white parachutes we send floating through the air, we are in search of a place to take root. We may get tossed around by a little breeze or gust of wind but eventually we will find our purpose in this life.