

New Year...

So, it's the start of a new year... This is the time of year when you can look back and reflect on the person you were, the person you are, and the person you want to become. It's a time to implement the changes you feel necessary to become great or continue on with being the wonderful self you already are. I had the chance of starting this year with someone that I deeply care about... the boy! He came and spent a week with me and it was truly one for the books!! I am so happy that my family got to meet him and see how much he really means to me. (Sorry Tracy... You'll meet him next time around.. PROMISE!) This boy brings so much light into my life. He pushes me to accomplish my hopes and desires, as well as helps me to become a better person. At the New Year everyone sets goals... Majority of those goals are smashed after the first month, but I feel that setting goals with someone and having that extra push/drive makes everything easier. It gives you a reason to become "that person" that you are meant to be...


Jason and Bri said...

You guys are so cute Kelsey. Am so very happy for you and so glad I got to meet him. Love ya.

Jodi Carter said...

You guys look so happy together! :)

TAMPA said...

Love him.. love you !! I am just going to write Ditto from now on :)