

Our little_____...

We are so thrilled and excited to have this little one come into our lives. 
I am nineteen weeks along and feeling great! 
We had another check up today and it is official... 
All I can imagine is a little Blaine running around singing, dancing, and causing all sorts of ruckus!
Life is definitely going to get interesting around here come November.
I'm secretly hoping he gets B's beautiful blues and dark hair. 
So far we have zero boy names picked out. 
I mean, we have came up with a few... but none that we both agree on. 
Our little munchkin has definitely decided to make his presence known and he continues to keep growing!
He is 10 oz. and really making this Mommas belly start to pop. 
He moves, A LOT!
While we were getting our ultra-sound done, he was using my bladder for his own personal punching bag. 
(and B wonders why I have to RUN to the bathroom) ha 
Nonetheless, I still love feeling him flutter around in there.
I am even more excited for the moment when B can officially feel him kick.
 Less and less of my pants are fitting comfortably. (I use a hair-thing on most of them)
With the weather here in Arizona heating up to unbearable temps, I just lounge around in B's athletic shorts or my swimmer.
My belly-button is beginning to become more shallow which is proof that this boy has officially taken over my body.
On the plus side, the ladies and my backside are filling out. (B likes this part of the pregnancy) ;)
I am getting more and more excited the farther along I get. 
I cannot wait for summer to be over and our little sweet guy to be here!


Unknown said...

We are so excited and happy for you. Life will never be the same but in a wonderful way. Our love and prayers to you.

Kaylene said...

I thought I saw a little bump on you on Sunday, but I wasn't sure (the whole lose fitting dress). Congratulations! You guys will be awesome parents. I know my son loves you guys.