


What is the definition of Respect... Well according to Google it is an attitude of admiration or esteem; a courteous expression; a behavior intended to please someone; or to think much of. When you have respect for someone you try to never loose it. You cherish it and nurture. it. There are a lot of ways to show respect for someone. You may value someones opinion or thoughts, you can be courteous by doing things such as opening a door, but for me, showing respect is to think of someone over yourself. What do you think will make them happy? How can you show them that you really care for their wellbeing? We have all heard, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", treat others like you would want to be treated. Respect is a very good quality to have, and at times I find that it is something I lack. Recently I have discovered that I may not be as respectful to others as I think I am. I apologize to those that I have hurt and those who I may hurt. Being respectful is definitely a work in progress for me but I promise to try to be better! I want to be better!


Spiritual Bliss...

He cares for us...
He knows our prayers and the desires of our hearts!
He wants us to return!

I am grateful for our Savior!
I am grateful for his love for us and his willingness to serve!
I am grateful for his amazing example!

I love him and his gift to me!
Life... life eternal!


12 days of Christmas...

As December continues, it becomes the time to put up holiday decorations, be with those we love, and spread a little bit of joy here and there. We always have a choice this time of year. You can deliver yourself into the madness of the holiday season, or you can wind down and really take time to actually understand what the holidays mean to you...

During the holidays I find that I really start to focus on those people that I am blessed enough to call my friends and family. Each year there is someone who comes into my life and makes a lasting impression. The older I get the more I realize life is not about the things you accumulate, but about the connections you make and how well you care for them.

Today was my day of finals. Needless to say I have been super stressed due to papers, test, and group projects. All I needed was a little pick me up... when I got home I was welcomed with a wonderful little surprise. The fantastic Buchanans (an amazing family that I have come to know recently) sent me a little Christmas package. Now we've all heard of the "12 days of Christmas". Growing up some of my friends families celebrated this little tradition and I was always so envious... A single gift each day on the 12 days before Christmas. Well, they graciously invited me to join in on their family tradition this year and I am so excited about it! They are truly such sweet people with such great hearts! Thank you so much for being so good to me and for bringing me some sort of sanity and a little bit of joy today! You guys are wonderful!


Father dearest...

Dad, Daddy, Daddy-O, Father, Poppy, G-Funk, Papa
Today is your day of birth and what a blessed day it is.

This man is by far one of the most amazing men in my life. My dad is truly one of my heros... There are so many qualities that I fully admire about him. He is hardworking. Never gives up. Is constantly doing what needs to get done. Loves our family. Knows pretty much everything. Is completely humble. Willing to help when needed. Can fix ANY problem or anything. Is right there when you need him. You can talk to him about anything. and he is one of the greatest friends that you could ever ask for. Poppy, thanks for being one of my greatest examples and always taking care of me! I love you so much and I hope your day is so great!

Blessed Technology...

How could you not love this face?!
Skype is one of the greatest things when it comes
to long distance relationships!
Oh how I love our modern technology!