April 10th could not have been a more perfect day...

Last week was the most stressful, busy, yet exciting week of my life. School is beginning to come to a close so projects, papers, and tests have begun to run my life. Just when I thought that I was going to pull all of my hair out, the boy called and told me he got me a flight to Ohio for the weekend. Seriously, could not have come at a greater time! The only issue was getting a week’s worth of homework done in two days... um... stressful, to say the least, but possible!
The trip was easily the best... I had the greatest time ever!! I spent a full four days watching baseball, resting, and spending time with the greatest guy I know! What could have been better?! Well.... Saturday afternoon his family came into town to watch opening weekend. It was so great to have them there and be able to spend more time with them. At the game that evening he pitched the 9th inning for a great save! I am so proud of him and everything that he is doing with the Dayton Dragons! He has so much drive and so much passion for his career. I love witnessing his progression and all that he is accomplishing. Sunday was definitely the most memorable day of all. Since it was an afternoon game that day I took him to the field early in the morning and then headed to church with the family. One of my favorite things about being a member of this amazing church is no matter where you go in the world, the gospel never changes! You learn and hear the same teachings that have a great impact on your life. After church I received a phone call from the boy asking me if I would like to throw the opening pitch at the game that day. I reluctantly agreed, knowing he really wanted me to. Even though I have grown up performing in front of huge crowds I felt very uncomfortable doing something that I am not so familiar with. (Example: throwing a baseball haha) I got over my fear and decided to just go with it! Once I got to the field, after getting a pep-talk from his little sister, I was escorted down to the dugout to get ready. The boy met me there which calmed a lot of my fears. (At this point I figured something was up because his team kept introducing themselves to me and let’s be honest, I was HOPING something was going to happen.) Time was closing in and before I knew it I was being pushed down the red carpet onto the field by a member of the Green-Team. I reached the pitcher’s mound and saw the boy sitting at home plate waiting to catch the first pitch. Still super nervous, I threw it… Barely reaching the plate, I was finished… or so I thought. A teammate of his ran him roses and I instantly got butterflies! As he proceeded to walk toward me and I knew it… He was going to ask me the biggest, most exciting question EVER! As he walked up to me, all 8,000 people vanished. It was just me and him! The words spoken between us were simple, special, and loving. After he popped the question I jumped on him and I am pretty positive I said “I LOVE YOU!” 12, 000 times! After hugging for an extended period of time he asked me if he could put on the ring... I slowing got down, he put on my BEAUTIFUL ring, and then we walked hand-in-hand back down the red carpet as a newly engaged couple! This man makes me feel like the most special woman in the world. He does so much for me, believes in me, and loves me unconditionally. He is easily my best friend and I cannot wait for a lifetime of joy and happiness with him. I am truly the luckiest girl in the world and I thank Heavenly Father every day for blessing me with such a strong, loving, compassionate, honest individual such as Blaine.
(Video of the proposal)
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