There are so many wonderful events that have taken place in my life recently. I do not even know where to begin. Back in October my Momma and I were able to take a trip to Arizona to visit Blaine for his birthday. It happened to fall on conference weekend, so we ended up spending most of our time in the hotel listening to all of the wonderful talks given. It was such a life changing conference that seemed to impact my family on a huge level. I will be forever grateful for the words spoken that day. Later that month my beautiful cousin Haleigh married her best friend Darryl in the Las Vegas temple. I was so excited that my family was able to attend her perfect reception. She looked gorgeous and so happy! I am excited for the life that she has begun and for all the wonderful blessings she has and will receive! One of the greatest days of my life was in October.. Blaine finished baseball which means.. NO MORE LONG DISTANCE! I got a surprise from Blaine late one evening.. he showed up on my doorstep! It was wonderful! This was the start of our long journey to the east coast. We spent a week in California with Mom and Dad packing and exploring Nor-Cal. After that we drove across Nevada to Provo to spend a few days with family and friends. Dakota soon joined us on our little excursion as well. One could say there is never a dull moment when Blaine and him are together. Our travels then took us to St. George, Cypress Texas, and lastly.. North Carolina. Asheville is now my new home... My new home closer to Blaine. It has been hard and very challenging at times being away from my family and friends, but having Blaine by my side and constantly encouraging me that everything will be okay has made the move much easier. I love being closer to him. He makes my life complete...
I have just come to the conclusion that life is simply an incredible journey. A journey filled with so much joy and excitement. We have new adventures just waiting for us... We just need to have faith in the Lord and trust what our hearts tells us.
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