It is so crazy to look back at the beginning of 2013 and see where we were, and how it has all changed in such a short amount of time.
January--> We started off another great year in North Carolina and Texas with the Howell side// Made it back to Arizona and enjoyed a lot of Saturday explorations in the warm sun (hiked Camelback, hiked "the hole")// Went shooting a lot, and enjoyed the company of family and friends
February--> Celebrated ONE YEAR with the love of my life// Went to Bakersfield to see the beloved Worthens and witness Bo be baptized// Went to LA// Hiked trails in Estrella Mnt// Made Valentines for our sweet sunbeams at church// Learned some intense yoga moves!
March--> Spring Training started so baseball took over our lives again ;) Mom and Dad came for a visit// Took advantage of the wonderful Arizona weather and our pool// Started Flight Attendant school for US Airways (that ended due to a "baby" hiccup)// Spent a beautiful Easter holiday in STG

April--> Announced the growth of our little family// Had a correction on the due date// Had a few dates to the Mesa Arizona Temple// Took a few of the baseball guys shooting
May--> Had our first trimester screening// Surprised Mom in Santa Monica for her fitness competition// Blaine gave some pitching lessons
June--> Had another ultrasound and learned Baby H was a BOY//Took a last minute trip to Bakersfield// Went to girls camp as camp director for our ward
July--> Celebrated the 4th on the Salt River// Reached 24 weeks// Blaine became obsessed with paracord// We spent our summer nights catfishing
August--> Blaine made a few of his first appearances back on the mound// 28 weeks along// Started working at Youngker again// I turned another year older
September-->Blaine had his second Tommy John surgery// Went to Bakersfield for the Todd's reception// My sisters threw Baby H a shower in STG// Had our prego pics taken
October--> Blaine turned the big 25// Blaine went to NC// My belly button "popped"// I quit working at Native// We carved Pumpkins// Went to the Laytons and had a bonfire and tinfoil dinners for Halloween// We also moved when I was 38.5 weeks pregnant... third floor apt to a second floor apt of a different building
November--> My mom came to town// Work (Youngker) threw Baby H a shower// My due date came and went// Blaine started work at Texas Roadhouse// Our babe FINALLY arrived// Laurin, Paige, and Lauren came to town// We all celebrated Thanksgiving in our little apt// Went to the Mesa Temple to see the lights
December--> Attended Glendale Glitters// Hunter was blessed and given a name by his daddy// We got our first REAL Christmas tree// Hunter turned a month old// We drove to Vegas/STG to spend Hunters first Christmas with family (More in another post)// I stayed in Vegas for a few extra days with Hunter to help my parents move into their new house// Hunter flew for the first time// Rang in the new year with my two favorite boys
2014 is going to be full of a lot of firsts... especially for Hunter.
I cannot wait to watch him grow and experience the world.
Lets go 2014... show me what you've got.
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