

Road Travel With A Babe...

After putting in an extreme amount of road hours a few weeks ago,
(see post here)
 I figured I should share some things I now swear by on road trips.
^^^This little man is a dream when it comes to traveling,
but here are a few items that just made it all a tad bit easier

1. Baby Einstein: This was by far the biggest life savor. It helped keep my little man entertained for hrs. My dad pre-loaded videos on my IPad, which was great since data can be sketchy in certain areas. Anyone driving through Nevada knows what I am talking about. 

2. Plum Organics Squeezy Food Pouch: Convenient, resealable, squeezable baby food. It was so nice to be able to feed him while we were on the go without the need of a bowl and utensil. I did purchase the spoon attachments but H wasn't the biggest fan of those. 

3. That's it bars: On our way to San Diego my mom ran into Starbucks to get us some drinks and also came back with these. They were intended to be a snack for us but once I noticed the ingredients I couldn't help but feed it to H. Apples and cherries, Apples and pears, ect. THAT'S REALLY IT! No additives, no other ingredients, just the two fruits. He loved them and couldn't get enough!

4. Brica Day and Night Mirror: Now this is something that we have had since day one. I know there are parents out there that do not approve of these since they can be a hazard in an accident, but I HATE not being able to see my babe when I am driving. (especially when I am alone) It gives me comfort being able to see what he is doing with certain toys, food, sippy, ect. 


Hunter [9 Months]...

Hunter has officially been out just as long as he was in. How can my little man already be 9 months??
At 9 months:

  • Hunter will eat anything. He loves to feed himself. Raspberries, chicken, beans, strawberries...
  • Loves to walk around holding Mom and Dads hands, furniture, or his walker
  • He is freakishly strong. He can hold his own weight on a pull up bar. I took him to the field yesterday to see B and he held himself off the ground on the chain-link fence. Crazy kid!
  • Crawls like a mad man
  • Wearing 12-18 month clothes still and size 4 cruiser diapers
  • At his 9 month check up he was 21.4 Lbs.  and 30.25"
  • Loves splashing around in the bathtub and the pool
  • He's quite the babbler. "dada" "mum mum" "nene"
  • Hunter also loves to mimic sounds. He will click his tongue if you do and blow raspberries constantly
  • Loves to scream and grunt
  • Hates getting his diaper changed and hates being strapped in the car seat (items are given to keep distracted) 
  • He is good at entertaining himself. He can stare into the mirror or simply sit with some toys for a good chuck of time and be totally content
  • Papa taught him to scrunch his nose and squint his eyes at the same time... this is his current happy face and I absolutely love it
  • Obsessed with paper. He grabs it, screams, and shreds it
  • Dada is by far his favorite person. Nothing brings a bigger smile to this boys face than when his Dada comes home. 


Crazy Busy Two Weeks...

These past two weeks have been non-stop, go go go...
(**Remember, all travel was done with my amazing little man)

  • Flew from Phoenix-->Vegas [Brookes bachelorette weekend and a dentist appointment]
    • Yes I went all the way to Vegas to see my dentist.. That's what you do when it is Dr. Staples!
  • Drove--> Veyo, UT  [Rodeo]
    • Moms car ended up breaking down on the way back to Vegas so we had to stay in Mesquite for the night and Lauren drove us to Vegas the next morning.
  • Drove with Dad -->Phoenix 
    • Dad left the day before mom flew in from Chicago.
  • Drove with Mom-->San Diego [Brooke Wedding]
    • Enjoyed the weekend on the beach (randomly met with childhood friend Kelli), ate seafood, saw the San Diego Temple, and witnessed my best friend marry the love of her life.
  • Drove--> Phoenix
  • Drove--> Vegas [Dentist round 2]
  • Drove--> St. George [Dinner with family for Rykers 6th]
    • Dad and I went to St. George to pick up their rental car from Stephen Wade. Turns out moms engine went kaput. We ended up getting the family together for a little dinner. Quickest trip to STG, but definitely worth it!
  • Drove--> Vegas
  • Drove--> Phoenix 
Needless to say, I AM DONE WITH DRIVING! 

**Side note: I am so amazed at how good Hunter was through all of this.
He traveled like an absolute champ!