Hunter has officially been out just as long as he was in. How can my little man already be 9 months??
At 9 months:
- Hunter will eat anything. He loves to feed himself. Raspberries, chicken, beans, strawberries...
- Loves to walk around holding Mom and Dads hands, furniture, or his walker
- He is freakishly strong. He can hold his own weight on a pull up bar. I took him to the field yesterday to see B and he held himself off the ground on the chain-link fence. Crazy kid!
- Crawls like a mad man
- Wearing 12-18 month clothes still and size 4 cruiser diapers
- At his 9 month check up he was 21.4 Lbs. and 30.25"
- Loves splashing around in the bathtub and the pool
- He's quite the babbler. "dada" "mum mum" "nene"
- Hunter also loves to mimic sounds. He will click his tongue if you do and blow raspberries constantly
- Loves to scream and grunt
- Hates getting his diaper changed and hates being strapped in the car seat (items are given to keep distracted)
- He is good at entertaining himself. He can stare into the mirror or simply sit with some toys for a good chuck of time and be totally content
- Papa taught him to scrunch his nose and squint his eyes at the same time... this is his current happy face and I absolutely love it
- Obsessed with paper. He grabs it, screams, and shreds it
- Dada is by far his favorite person. Nothing brings a bigger smile to this boys face than when his Dada comes home.
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