

Love Day With My Valentines...

Oh how I LOVE love month. 
Not only did I get spoiled with flowers and gifts...
But I was able to celebrate with the two most handsome boys around!


Being away from family and having a little one is not the easiest. 
There are so many times I wish we lived near grandparents so they could experience each milestone with us as H learns and grows every day. 
Seeing as that is not the case, Kristina and I decided to make a little Valentine for our kiddos grandparents so they could feel of his love as well. 
Thanks to Pinterest we recreated these two mementos. 

A Long Distance Hug: Hand-prints connected by a string measured to be the length of their arms.

Thumbprint Fridge Magnets: Used their sweet little thumbs to press a heart into baking clay, painted and glued to a magnet. (I might have made an extra for myself)
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1 comment:

The Lymans said...

Papa and I LOVE our Valentines from Hunter! 😍😘