

Mini Vacation...

It was a wonderful trip to LA.
Even though we were there for less than 24 hrs, it felt like we were there all weekend. 
In the last few hrs, we enjoyed the beach at the Santa Monica Pier with over 1000 other people.
Loved spending time with my parents and my love.
We They enjoyed some seafood (dang pregnancy), we walked along the shore, and even threw around the frisbee a little bit.
Something about being at the beach is just so relaxing...
The sound of the waves, the sand in your toes, and being hand in hand with the love of your life.
We left our mini-vacation with sun-kissed cheeks, full bellies, and a small sense of relaxation.
Thank you Mom and Dad for such a fun time.
We love you both and cherish every time we get to see you!

Fit Momma...

This weekend my Mother was in a fitness competition in LA.
Saturday we decided to surprise her by showing up to her event. 
It was a long boring drive but definitely worth it to see her rock it on stage.
She did AMAZING!
She won her class (45+) and she also won first overall. 
This resulted in her receiving her MASTERS SWORD!
(I am not sure what the meaning is behind the sword, but who cares? Its AWESOME!)
Mom has some great coaches help get her ready for the competition.
Dad has been with her every step of the way. 
Working out with her, pushing her, and constantly supporting her every day.
 Jessie Hilgenberg is my Mommas coach. 
She is an incredible person and has so much faith in Mom. 
I am extremely proud of this lovely lady.

Once she sets her mind to something, she goes all the way!



There are so many amazing women in my life that have been wonderful "mother figures" 
and taught me so much throughout the years. 

My Wonderful Sisters...
Lauren, Amanda, and Tracy have shown me what dedication and sacrifice means for your family. 
All three of these gorgeous women are perfect examples of loving, hardworking, selfless mothers. 
Thank you ladies for being some of my best-friends and helping prepare me for the next step in life.

My Awesome Mother-in-Law...
Laurin raised a wonderful man that I get the privilege of calling my husband. 
I am eternally grateful for you Laurin. 
Your devotion to your children and love is something that I hope to show 
to my children someday soon.

And Finally,

My Outstanding Mother...
This is my phenomenal Momma. 
Words could truly not express how special this lovely lady is.
She has been my greatest supporter, my best-friend, and one of my greatest examples. 
She has shown me what unconditional love truly is.
Momma, thank you for showing me the love of a mother. 
Thank you for all you do and have done.
You are one of the strongest women I know and I hope that I have grown to be somewhat like you.

Happy Mothers Day to these women in my life.
You all hold a special place in my heart and I am eternally grateful for each and every one of you!


Life Lately...

Things are moving quite slowly for us these days...
B goes to the field every day and I go to work at the high school.
School is about to come to an end, (2 weeks and counting) which means I am in need of another job ASAP. 
Our evenings consist of dinner, a little TV, dishes, the gym (if I get off my lazy bum), and simply just being with one another.
(pretty uneventful... I know.. but it works for us)
Being away from our friends and family has truly brought us even closer together.
I know I am one of the lucky ones who married my best friend.
B has been such a saint to me lately.
I do not know if it is the pregnancy, or if it is just me being exhausted from work, but I have been SO TIRED and he has been taking such great care of me.
He makes dinner most nights, wakes up and fixes me breakfast, makes the bed every morning, and even does my "honey-do" lists.

Last week we went to the doc for our monthly check up and today we went in for our 1st trimester screening.

I am currently 13 weeks and baby h is developing wonderfully
We heard the sweet little ones heartbeat again and we got to see it wiggle around. 
(the doc described its heartbeat as a running horse)
As for my belly... still not much has changed...
Just looks like I am constantly bloated. Blah! 
My pants are beginning to be more and more uncomfortable and I immediately change into sweats as soon as I get home from work.
As for being sick.... It has been nonexistent.
(I am one of the lucky ones)
Lately our little baby h wants anything potato form, green olives, and vinegar based foods.
We are so excited for our little one to arrive! 
I still cannot believe that we are going to be parents by the end of the year!