

Mini Vacation...

It was a wonderful trip to LA.
Even though we were there for less than 24 hrs, it felt like we were there all weekend. 
In the last few hrs, we enjoyed the beach at the Santa Monica Pier with over 1000 other people.
Loved spending time with my parents and my love.
We They enjoyed some seafood (dang pregnancy), we walked along the shore, and even threw around the frisbee a little bit.
Something about being at the beach is just so relaxing...
The sound of the waves, the sand in your toes, and being hand in hand with the love of your life.
We left our mini-vacation with sun-kissed cheeks, full bellies, and a small sense of relaxation.
Thank you Mom and Dad for such a fun time.
We love you both and cherish every time we get to see you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like a fun vacation! Thanks so much for your comment on my blog the other day. It is nice to hear from women going through the same thing as me.