

Fit Momma...

This weekend my Mother was in a fitness competition in LA.
Saturday we decided to surprise her by showing up to her event. 
It was a long boring drive but definitely worth it to see her rock it on stage.
She did AMAZING!
She won her class (45+) and she also won first overall. 
This resulted in her receiving her MASTERS SWORD!
(I am not sure what the meaning is behind the sword, but who cares? Its AWESOME!)
Mom has some great coaches help get her ready for the competition.
Dad has been with her every step of the way. 
Working out with her, pushing her, and constantly supporting her every day.
 Jessie Hilgenberg is my Mommas coach. 
She is an incredible person and has so much faith in Mom. 
I am extremely proud of this lovely lady.

Once she sets her mind to something, she goes all the way!

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