

Mothers Day 2015...

[I am trying my hardest to get caught up with these posts so bare with me...]
My Mother's Day work out perfect... I was so happy that I was able to be with both H and B. You see, off days from baseball are golden during the summer (because they are few and far between) so we take full advantage and explore! We decided to head to the beach since we knew there likely wouldnt be another chance we could all go as a family.
I am so glad we did! H LOVES THE WATER! He throws himself at every wave, runs top speed along the shore trying to catch the birds, and does everything in his power not to be taken from the ocean. This kid has no fear and completely wears himself out! Later on we went to Red Lobster to enjoy a yummy seafood dinner. H gave me the best present of all, he fell asleep on the way there, and stayed asleep until the last bite! 
Mothers Day was perfect. My boys spoiled me with love, kisses, and flowers. 
I couldn't have had it better.
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