

Pensacola Blue Wahoos...

There we were...  in Target looking for a new TMNT shirt for H to wear to the Daytona Tortugas games and B gets a phone call. Assuming it's just a call from one of the guys I keep shopping. I finally found a shirt right about the time he gets off the phone. I held it up and he said, "We wont be needing that." Confused, I asked him what he meant. He said, "WE'RE GOING TO PENSACOLA!" I ran and hugged him soooo tight! 
This guy is constantly working his butt off and I am so proud of all his accomplishments thus far!
Now, for those who do not know or quite understand the process of working your way to the Majors, I will briefly explain...
Basically it's a ladder. Normally one starts at the bottom, also known as Rookie ball. As the player progresses the levels go in this order:
Low-A, High-A, AA, AAA, and then the Big Leagues. 
B hasn't had his big debut yet but making it this far, to the Reds AA affiliate, is still AMAZING!
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