
Spiritual Bliss...
12 days of Christmas...
As December continues, it becomes the time to put up holiday decorations, be with those we love, and spread a little bit of joy here and there. We always have a choice this time of year. You can deliver yourself into the madness of the holiday season, or you can wind down and really take time to actually understand what the holidays mean to you...
During the holidays I find that I really start to focus on those people that I am blessed enough to call my friends and family. Each year there is someone who comes into my life and makes a lasting impression. The older I get the more I realize life is not about the things you accumulate, but about the connections you make and how well you care for them.

Today was my day of finals. Needless to say I have been super stressed due to papers, test, and group projects. All I needed was a little pick me up... when I got home I was welcomed with a wonderful little surprise. The fantastic Buchanans (an amazing family that I have come to know recently) sent me a little Christmas package. Now we've all heard of the "12 days of Christmas". Growing up some of my friends families celebrated this little tradition and I was always so envious... A single gift each day on the 12 days before Christmas. Well, they graciously invited me to join in on their family tradition this year and I am so excited about it! They are truly such sweet people with such great hearts! Thank you so much for being so good to me and for bringing me some sort of sanity and a little bit of joy today! You guys are wonderful!
Father dearest...
Dad, Daddy, Daddy-O, Father, Poppy, G-Funk, Papa
Today is your day of birth and what a blessed day it is.
This man is by far one of the most amazing men in my life. My dad is truly one of my heros... There are so many qualities that I fully admire about him. He is hardworking. Never gives up. Is constantly doing what needs to get done. Loves our family. Knows pretty much everything. Is completely humble. Willing to help when needed. Can fix ANY problem or anything. Is right there when you need him. You can talk to him about anything. and he is one of the greatest friends that you could ever ask for. Poppy, thanks for being one of my greatest examples and always taking care of me! I love you so much and I hope your day is so great!
Blessed Technology...
It's your world...
This past week definitely was one of the greatest!
North Carolina is BEAUTIFUL! The trees, the mountains, especially the people! He was kind enough to introduce me to his world and it was spectacular!
I was honored to have the privilege of meeting of his family and I absolutely fell in love with them. His family is seriously amazing! His "Merm", aka Laurin, is such an outstanding lady! She has so much love for her kids and it definitely shows! She has such a strong presence and is truly a wonderful individual. I freaken adore his sisters to death! Both amazing young women! Kallie is such a cute girl! Full of life and love for those close to her. Paige is so great! She has such a sweet spirit and a huge heart. I also met both sets of Grandparents.They were all so welcoming and so excepting. Constantly feeding me and sending me off with yummy sweets! I am truly grateful for their hospitality and their loving nature!
Simple joy...
Yesterday I woke up to a beautiful sight.....
Pleasant Grove was covered in snow!
That's right... its October and we now have snow.
As I was leaving my apartment for work I noticed two little girls playing in the courtyard making snow angels.
As I walked to my car they ran up to me with huge grins, pink cheeks, and matching coats. The littlest one asked me to fix her gloves. As I pulled up her gloves, fixed both of their hoods, and talked with them for a minute, I began to envy those two sweet girls. Their happiness was so contagious, their joy so pure. As I got in my car and drove away I felt such a simple joy!
Children have such an innocence that astounds me. Their spirits are so strong and their love is so great!
I love life...
Simply enjoying life...
It has truly been a great couple of weeks!
The lovely ladies in my life are constantly bringing smiles and laughter to each and every day.
Between waterfall hikes. the hot springs. the brad paisley concert. ice cream. rodeos. football games .and parks.....
It has been a wonderful time in my life.
"Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief"

It's my party...
Its official... I'm legal to party!
I was definitely spoiled this year. Showered with jewelery, bedding, purses, home decor, clothes, books, and not to mention BEAUTIFUL flowers. (Daisies, Sunflowers, Roses, Lily's)
I am one lucky girl.
My parents also surprised me with tickets to the
SOLD OUT Colbie and Sheryl concert.
I invited Lauren to go with me.
We sang, danced like fools, made up our own lyrics, and ate an over priced hamburger.

Thank you all for making this birthday such a spectacular one!
Love one another...
The Lyman Family Reunion was a great success! It has been forever since our immediate family has ALL been together and it was great! I am truly blessed with a very loving and supportive family! Everyone is so wonderful and special in their own way! Thanks you all you guys do for me. It really means the world to me to have all of you there whenever I need a helping hand!
(I honestly love my Aunt Faye! Such an amazing lady!)
(Dilyn and her curly locks! My Little Buddha is so stinkin cute! Love her guts!)
(I know I know... I am super late on this post but in my defense its because I don't have internet at my house and work has been super busy!)

Where do I begin to say how wonderful my Poppy is... He is truly the greatest man! Always striving for perfection in every aspect of his life, looking for ways to help others, and constantly pushing us to do our best!
I am an all time Daddy's girl! Ever since I remember I have constantly wanted to be by my dads side. Whether its been while he was at work, taking Murray on walks to the river, or just driving the bike around town. People tell me that I am a lot like my Dad and I take that as a HUGE compliment. He is such a hard worker and has the biggest heart!
Poppy thank you so much for everything you do! You are truly my hero!
Love you with all my heart!!
Baby Lyman...
Weekend Bliss...
A new blog to document an amazing group of people and our amazing adventures!!!
Summer has started off with a bang!
Vegas. Zions. Lake. Swimming. Camping. Dutch oven. Jumping on the tramp. Slip-and-slides. BBQ's. Visiting friends. Pictures galore. Sleepovers. AND SO MUCH MORE...
Seroiously I am one lucky girl!! I have been blessed with wonderful people in my life. I have such amazing friends and I am loving every min that I have had in StG.
"It's your friends faces and the fun places that make each moment a MEMORY..."

Moms Day...
MOMMA!!!! I love you so much!

My Mom is so wonderful in so many ways!
She is so loving, a hard worker, and by far one of my biggest supporters!
She is so loving, a hard worker, and by far one of my biggest supporters!
She is beautiful both inside and out.
Always helping me to be better and to strive for what I can accomplish! Always giving me the best advice and helping me see what is in store for me. and never giving up on me...
My Mom has shown me what it means to live... To always work hard and treat everyone fairly. She is so compassionate and cares for our family and everyone else that she comes in contact with. She is truly my best friend and I am so lucky to have a mother that loves and cares for me as much as she does..
Mom, Thank you for EVERYTHING!! I hope that when I become a mother, I can be half the mother that you are!
Always helping me to be better and to strive for what I can accomplish! Always giving me the best advice and helping me see what is in store for me. and never giving up on me...
My Mom has shown me what it means to live... To always work hard and treat everyone fairly. She is so compassionate and cares for our family and everyone else that she comes in contact with. She is truly my best friend and I am so lucky to have a mother that loves and cares for me as much as she does..
Mom, Thank you for EVERYTHING!! I hope that when I become a mother, I can be half the mother that you are!
“Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels.- Elder Russel M. Nelson
"However, mothers need not fear. When mothers know who they are and who God is and have made covenants with Him, they will have great power and influence for good on their children.” Julie B. Beck
Life is a gift...

Today, before you say an unkind word, think of someone that cant speak at all...
Before you complain about the taste of your food, think of someone who has nothing to eat...
Before you complain about your significant other, think of someone who is crying out to God for a companion...
Today, before you complain about life, think of someone who went too early...
Before whining about the distance you have to drive, think of someone who walks the same distance on their feet...
When you are tired and complain about your job, think of those who are unemployed, those that are disabled, and those who wish they had your job...
And today, when depressing thoughts seem to get you down, put a smile on your face and remember...
Life is beautiful and it's time to live it!
Ma, Mom, Mum, Mommy, Mama...

The Colors of the Wind...

The Festival of Colors was such an exhilarating experience...

I wouldn't have wanted to welcome spring in any other way...

It reminds me of how lucky I am to live in a country such as America, where there are so many cultures that we are exposed to and the education we can receive is endless.

The world is truly a wonderful place...
Blissful Days...
The drive was so much fun! Lauren and I talked about family, boys, and school. We listened to music while Lauren constantly made fun of my dancing! Drove with the windows down and warned one another about our flatulence.
The weekend was full of family and friends for the both of us.
We saw our brother Jeremy and his kids, Grandpa Foster, and spent time with some great friends.
We also attended Joni's wedding. It was beautiful and she looked gorgeous! It was so good to see everyone cause it has been YEARS! Of course no-one recognized me cause I was maybe 12 the last time I saw everyone. But overall it was a wonderful evening!
I wish the trip did not end so soon, but it was still a great excursion...
Carried by a passing breeze...

I caught a wish! This morning when I got in my car I noticed a little wish that had landed on my windshield. It reminded me of the classic Disney movie Cinderella... A dream is a wish your heart makes...
We all have dreams and aspirations that we live for each and every day. It is up to us to push ourselves in order to achieve what we want most.
Dandelions have been known to represent happiness and faith.
I remember when I was just a little one, picking as many as I could, and wishing for the stars, for love, and for joy! We all want to be happy and be with the ones we love. By having faith I feel comforted in knowing that I do have that chance... a chance to be eternally joyous, to be loved forever, and live with those that I care for most.
I'll name them one by one,
And then I'll take a blow at them
as soon as I am done.
I grasp the delicate stem,
Bringing it near to my lips
To make a Wish, a prayer.
I wish for peace, in the world
and in my heart.
I wish for love, true love.
I wish for direction, for hope.
I blow with all my breath
and wish with all my being.
With the dandelions
do I now let my wishes go,
having faith they'll be granted
on the day I let them flow.
As I have grown I have learned some of lives greatest lessons. I wouldn't change them for anything! Knowing what I know now has helped me prepare for the journey ahead. Taking one step at a time and having a few trips and falls along the way is only helping me get closer to my dreams/wishes. I only hope that I will always remember what it was like to be a little child... being so young and innocent and finding joy in the simplest of things. Always believing that I could do anything I set my mind to.
Just like the little white parachutes we send floating through the air, we are in search of a place to take root. We may get tossed around by a little breeze or gust of wind but eventually we will find our purpose in this life.
My Wonderful Examples...

once you let them go, you might not get them
back. Sometimes we get so busy with our own
lives and problems that we may not even notice
that we've let them fly away. Sometimes we are so
caught up in who's right and who's wrong that we
forget what's right and wrong.. Sometimes we just
don't realize what real friendship means until it
is too late. I don't want to let that happen so
I'm going to tie you to my heart so I never lose
I received an email from a friend today and this quote was in it... It really got my gears turning. Lately I have been so busy with school, work, and family that I feel like I have forgot about my friends and I do not give them the credit they deserve.
One of my favorite things about my life is how vast my friends are. I have friends in so many places and each one of them holds a place in my heart!
I think my friends are the most wonderful people in this world. They are so amazing and I feel so blessed to have them in my life. I am lucky enough to have friends that care about me and want the best for me. They have high standards and love the Lord with all their hearts, which in turn, makes me want to be a better person. I cherish their big hearts and shining examples.
"A girlfriend is probably the only person in this world, who understands exactly what you are saying even though if you may not really be talking."
My girlfriends are the best! They know me far too well and they can make the grayest sky seem blue. They have my back when it seems like the world turned away from me. I love that we can have a good time no matter where we are and we can find joy in the simplest of things. We laugh, we cry, and we make the greatest of memories together.... Thanks Girls... I love you all!
"Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends whom we choose."
My guys friends are my protectors and my brothers! Never a dull moment with any of them. I feel at home and at ease when they are around. Between their never ending business ideas, well thought out plans, and amazing hearts, I am convinced that they will one day rule the world. Someday they are going to make great husbands and amazing fathers!
I don't know where I would be with out any of them in my life! I thank god everyday for each and everyone of them. You all know who you are and I Love you! Thank you for always being there for me and thank you for helping me become a better person each and everyday....

Pure Joy...
Every member of the family has a unique role to play in the family unit. In every family these roles are different. A role that an aunt may play is that of helping parents getting along with their children. Much like grandparents, an aunt is not subjectively involved in what happens in the family. She is often able to see things in a more objective way. She also may be able to build relationships with her nieces and nephews and give them a place to get away from the family for a while. An aunt that is committed to her nieces and nephews can play an invaluable part in their lives. I love these two kids, as well as my little Buddha(Dilyn), Tatum, and Ryker. They light up my life in so many ways and they will forever be threaded into my heart!
Its time for a new start...
New Years is one of my favorite times of the year. It gives you a chance to change how you are living your life... A chance to set goals, achieve new heights, and make a new start. We all know that last year was a rough one for me and now that I look back on it I am glad things turned out the way they did. I have had a chance to learn more about myself and more about what I want out of life. Life is full of unexpectedness. It is something that cant be planned. As long as we do what is asked of us and what we know is right the pieces will all fall into place. I truly feel like the Lord has blessed me with everything I could possibly imagine. I have a wonderful family, great friends (who are basically family), and I also live in a wonderful country. The glass is half full for me this year my friends... and I feel like it is going to be a great one with wonderful opportunities!!!

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