Beyond proud of my main man today! B has been an absolute stud this Spring Training! Being by his side and watching him pursue his childhood dream is such an honor. He constantly strives to do and be his best. We couldn't be more excited for the road ahead. H is very fond of his baseball man too! He loves going to the ball field to see his Dahhh and to hang with 'the guys'. Only problem is, it's getting so dang hot, especially when you're an active toddler. What do you guys do to keep your kids cool in the heat? Or any products you swear by? He runs and runs during the games and then he keels over at the end, just passes out in the stroller before we even make it to the car. Poor boy!... So yeah, any advice is much appreciated.
Side note: Leaving Arizona means leaving the Harveys. We're extremely sad about this. They have been our Arizona family. Our go to's. Our everything!! The type of people that come into your life that you never knew you missed. I know this isn't the end, but it sure is going to be sad not having them around everyday, especially with a new sweet little baby girl on the way who I'm just dying to meet Monday!