

A Birthday Weekend...

I am officially a quarter of a century.
I feel old...
I had a conversation with my nephew yesterday... 
an actual conversion... 
That means, not only am I getting old, but all of my favorite little people are getting older too. 
Kinda makes me sad.
Wish they would stay little forever.
Even my babe... He is closer to a year than a newborn! 
And he even waived yesterday for the first time.
Dada was leaving to go fishing and he actually waived. 
I about cried it was so cute! 
Well, my birthday was great. 
Thank you to everyone and your love.
My boys spoiled me, my parents surprised me, and I got to shove my face full of ice cream cake! 
What could be better?!
Here are a few pics of our quick trip to Sedona on Monday.
It looks so much like home (Southern Utah) I couldn't help but love it
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