


So I have this friend...
She is sorta kinda expecting (and no, it is not me)
We have this understanding that I like to bake goodies and she likes to consume said baked goods.
One day she was craving snickerdoodles...
(and we all know when a pregnant woman wants something, she gets it)
I found this recipe on pinterst and wasn't disappointed so I thought I would share.
I do love a good snickerdoodle but it definitely has to be soft and cinnamonie-- these were on point

 [Pictures from]
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Courtney B said...

Ooooh, now I'm craving snickerdoodles! I love that you love to bake and will do it for friends! I totally need a friend like you because I loooove to consume treats but HATE to bake, HA!

Courtney B said...

P.S. I don't know if it's just me... but I can't click on anything on your blog (except for the comment) without it taking me to a new window on Pinterest (to pin an image) so I can't become a follower :( :(