

Hunter [1 month]...

Our Hunter has turned one month old and this past month with him has been amazing! 
I've been wanting to blog about my little man for awhile now but just haven't found the time.  
(I've been too busy loving on his sweet little cheeks!)
Hunter has already changed so much since he was born. 

  • He out grew newborn diapers in the first week and now fits into his 0-3 month clothes
  • He still has all of his hair, but it has lightened up these past few weeks
  • His little legs have begun to fatten up right along with his cheeks
  • Hunters eyes have started to change to a lighter blue and there is nothing I love more than staring at them all day long
  • He has two adorable dimples that he has most recently learned to show them off with his sweet little smile (I melt)
  • He HAS to have at least one arm free from his burrito at night. Otherwise he will fuss and squirm to get one free
  • He is not a fan of the bottle or a paci... It is a current work in progress, but he is just a bigger fan of the "real thing". Nursing has been quite easy from day one. He will root or try to eat us when we kiss his cheeks to let us know he is hungry
  • Currently he is a Mommas boy and I am completely ok with that. He does find comfort in his Daddy, but I am in love with the fact that I can truly calm him with my embrace
  • His favorite place to sleep is on our chests. He can sleep for hours if we let him
  • The number one question EVERYONE asks is if we are getting any sleep. (Makes me wonder if I look dead when ever we are out in public.) But yes, we are. He sleeps up to four hours at night and I love it. During the day his naps only last about 30 min (unless he is on our chests) occasionally longer which is always a good thing
  • This past week he has really become more observant. It is the sweetest thing when he turns and stares at either me or B. He also LOVES to stare out the window. If I lay him by the sliding glass doors he seems to find such contentment in simply looking out into the light
  • He rather enjoys his carseat (as long as its moving) The rocking of us carrying it lulls him to sleep quite rapidly. Then, once he wakes up and cant stretch is when we have a problem
Over all this little guy is truly wonderful! 
He is easy when running errands, loves to snuggle, and thoroughly enjoys bath time.
I think he is such a good sweet babe, and those who have met him would probably agree.
We truly cannot imagine our lives with out him.


Days away...

Officially a week left till this little ones due date and we couldn't be more excited. Some days I can't believe that it's so close and other days I feel like I have been pregnant for FOR-EVVVVV-ER! We have done all we can do so far to prepare for his arrival... Clean clothes, organize, and oh yeah... MOVE. That's right... at 38.5 weeks we moved into another apartment. (Surprised it didn't kick start labor... guess he is just taking his sweet little time) Moving really takes a lot out of you... Especially when it is from a third floor apartment to a second floor in a completely different building. Packing up everything, cleaning the old apartment, and organizing the new has been such a chore. I hated the feeling of being useless and not really being able to move anything. Good thing I married such an amazing man that works his tail off and does what needs to get done. Also, we have some pretty great men/missionaries in our ward that were kind enough to volunteer their time and muscles. (One of the guys actually works for the local fire department and brought his crew with him in their rig... they were heaven sent)

Pregnancy has been a bit of a breeze for me. I haven't really been sick or too uncomfortable these past nine 9 months. I have loved all the sweet kicks from our little babe and knowing he is always with me... BUT I am SO EXCITED about having my body back and being able to sleep on my stomach again. This guy moves all of the time. Late in the evening is his favorite time to stretch and show us how tall he is. It has been fun trying to guess what is making my tummy poke out; his arms, legs, hands, bum... But it is going to be even better when we can kiss and love on all those parts in person.

No Braxton Hicks quite yet (or any other signs of labor) but I do find myself being just as tired as I was in the first trimester... and poor B has had to deal with my cranky prego hormones when I get exhausted from a long day. I wish I could sleep in and/or nap whenever I want but duty calls and I must work. Yes, I am still working. Planning on working at the school until this babe decides to make his debut. Along with my sleepiness, I have gone back to craving potato anything... fries, chips, baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc. This kids sure loves his carbs. but who doesn't?!?

We only have a few more things to do to completely be ready for this kid. Install his car seat, get more diapers, and basically just breath... Life is about to change for us dramatically but we couldn't be more thrilled about our new addition coming and making us a family of 3!!!


28 Weeks...

Our little man is getting so big. We're officially heading into the 3rd trimester at 28 weeks. I am feeling pretty good. I can still see my toes so I consider that a plus... Although, my belly button has just about popped! I love feeling him move around more and more. This little guy sure loves his daddy, whenever B talks to him he makes it known that he can hear him. It is truly heart warming to see their bond already. He likes to show off his feet, and occasionally his bum... right above my belly button. We LOVE feeling him and are getting more and more anxious for him to arrive! 
I am currently working 2 jobs. I am working at Youngker High School in Buckeye again, and I am still waiting tables at Native New Yorker. It is really funny when customers at Native try to decide if I am pregnant or not. (people constantly tell me that I am tiny for 7 months) On Saturday I had a table full of ladies and every time I walked away they were whispering and debating on who was going to ask if I was or wasn't. 
I've found out there are a few things that I definitely took for granted before my belly started to grow. Things such as sitting up in bed, putting on my work shoes, walking up 3 flights of stairs to our apartment, and getting into the truck with a skirt on. B likes to get a good chuckle in.. then he acts like the gentleman he is and helps me in every way possible. I know I say it a lot, but I truly am a lucky lady to have him.
Yesterday I took the dreaded glucose test and it wasn't as bad as everyone warned me about. Tasted like non-carbonated fruit punch... Not my fav, but bearable. After I finished and they started my "tummy check",  lil' man was having a field day. The Doc was having a hard time getting his heartbeat because he wouldn't quit dancing around in there. Gave us a good laugh.
Every day is another day closer to having our little one arrive and I CANT WAIT! I am getting so excited to welcome him to this world and see his sweet little face. Don't get me wrong... I am scared, nervous, and not yet ready for this next chapter of our lives... But man oh man I can hardly contain myself for the bundle of joy that we are about to receive. 


On the Mound...

So proud of this man of mine...
He has had two outings so far and has done phenomenal!
And doesn't he look DANG GOOD in red?!


24 Weeks...

The bump last week)
Yes, 24 weeks as of today!
I can hardly believe it! Time is flying and going so miserably slow, all at the same time. Our little one moves CONSTANTLY! He mainly just loves to hang out right by my bladder (which sends me to the bathroom more times than I like to admit). Other than when he's sending me to the bathroom, I love feeling him kick and punch around in there. My absolute favorite is when B gets to feel him. B lights up, smiles from ear to ear, lets out a few happy yells, and we both end up laughing.
We're still working on a name. We have not been able to come up with anything that sticks quite yet. We both have thrown out our fair share of ideas, but just cant seem to agree on anything yet. 
Even though we do not have a name for our little one... We sure are getting ready for him. One good thing about being the baby of the family is acquiring all my siblings left overs and I am very grateful for it. Our room is being consumed with baby items and I love it!
From the multiplying pile of baby stuff, to my expanding belly, it is all becoming more real. 
We're going to be parents! 
(A little camo for our future hunter. A gift from Papa and Nene! 
Cant wait to get him in it!)


What a day...

Floating the Salt River and catfishing...
Now that's American!

Anything to do with water in Arizona is a good thing.
Seems like we had the same idea as most on how to spend the 4th.

 The water was absolutely perfect!
We caked on the sunscreen, loaded up an extra tube with goodies, and just relaxed down the river!
Couldn't have imagined a better afternoon!
The night before the 4th B and I went catfishing...
Ended up catching 4 of those suckers.
Each time we let them go, all I could picture was the beginning of The Little Mermaid...
 When the little fish gets free and jumps back into the ocean and gives a big sigh of relief.
All in all, it was a great holiday.
We, of course, finished the 4th by watching fireworks from the comfort of our apartment.
(Perks of living by the Goodyear Ballpark) 


The Great Outdoors...

This past week I had the opportunity to go to girls camp with our ward here in Arizona. 
It was such a blessing to spend time with these girls and get to know each of them better.
Our ward has some of the most amazing young women and I learned so much from each one of them.
Our week was spent hiking, eating, rappelling, going to the temple in Snowflake, playing in the water, and even acting out our inner Katniss with a little archery.  
Not to mention, it was wonderful to escape the heat of Phoenix.
  We may have had an ant infestation, a few sleepless nights, and ended up coming home with swollen ankles...
But it was well worth it!


Our little_____...

We are so thrilled and excited to have this little one come into our lives. 
I am nineteen weeks along and feeling great! 
We had another check up today and it is official... 
All I can imagine is a little Blaine running around singing, dancing, and causing all sorts of ruckus!
Life is definitely going to get interesting around here come November.
I'm secretly hoping he gets B's beautiful blues and dark hair. 
So far we have zero boy names picked out. 
I mean, we have came up with a few... but none that we both agree on. 
Our little munchkin has definitely decided to make his presence known and he continues to keep growing!
He is 10 oz. and really making this Mommas belly start to pop. 
He moves, A LOT!
While we were getting our ultra-sound done, he was using my bladder for his own personal punching bag. 
(and B wonders why I have to RUN to the bathroom) ha 
Nonetheless, I still love feeling him flutter around in there.
I am even more excited for the moment when B can officially feel him kick.
 Less and less of my pants are fitting comfortably. (I use a hair-thing on most of them)
With the weather here in Arizona heating up to unbearable temps, I just lounge around in B's athletic shorts or my swimmer.
My belly-button is beginning to become more shallow which is proof that this boy has officially taken over my body.
On the plus side, the ladies and my backside are filling out. (B likes this part of the pregnancy) ;)
I am getting more and more excited the farther along I get. 
I cannot wait for summer to be over and our little sweet guy to be here!

This guy...

Happy Fathers Day Poppy...
I truly lucked out when it came to you. 
Thank you for EVERYTHING!
I cannot wait for you to become the Papa of my little one.
He's gonna be a lucky one as well to have you to look up to.


Mini Vacation...

It was a wonderful trip to LA.
Even though we were there for less than 24 hrs, it felt like we were there all weekend. 
In the last few hrs, we enjoyed the beach at the Santa Monica Pier with over 1000 other people.
Loved spending time with my parents and my love.
We They enjoyed some seafood (dang pregnancy), we walked along the shore, and even threw around the frisbee a little bit.
Something about being at the beach is just so relaxing...
The sound of the waves, the sand in your toes, and being hand in hand with the love of your life.
We left our mini-vacation with sun-kissed cheeks, full bellies, and a small sense of relaxation.
Thank you Mom and Dad for such a fun time.
We love you both and cherish every time we get to see you!

Fit Momma...

This weekend my Mother was in a fitness competition in LA.
Saturday we decided to surprise her by showing up to her event. 
It was a long boring drive but definitely worth it to see her rock it on stage.
She did AMAZING!
She won her class (45+) and she also won first overall. 
This resulted in her receiving her MASTERS SWORD!
(I am not sure what the meaning is behind the sword, but who cares? Its AWESOME!)
Mom has some great coaches help get her ready for the competition.
Dad has been with her every step of the way. 
Working out with her, pushing her, and constantly supporting her every day.
 Jessie Hilgenberg is my Mommas coach. 
She is an incredible person and has so much faith in Mom. 
I am extremely proud of this lovely lady.

Once she sets her mind to something, she goes all the way!



There are so many amazing women in my life that have been wonderful "mother figures" 
and taught me so much throughout the years. 

My Wonderful Sisters...
Lauren, Amanda, and Tracy have shown me what dedication and sacrifice means for your family. 
All three of these gorgeous women are perfect examples of loving, hardworking, selfless mothers. 
Thank you ladies for being some of my best-friends and helping prepare me for the next step in life.

My Awesome Mother-in-Law...
Laurin raised a wonderful man that I get the privilege of calling my husband. 
I am eternally grateful for you Laurin. 
Your devotion to your children and love is something that I hope to show 
to my children someday soon.

And Finally,

My Outstanding Mother...
This is my phenomenal Momma. 
Words could truly not express how special this lovely lady is.
She has been my greatest supporter, my best-friend, and one of my greatest examples. 
She has shown me what unconditional love truly is.
Momma, thank you for showing me the love of a mother. 
Thank you for all you do and have done.
You are one of the strongest women I know and I hope that I have grown to be somewhat like you.

Happy Mothers Day to these women in my life.
You all hold a special place in my heart and I am eternally grateful for each and every one of you!


Life Lately...

Things are moving quite slowly for us these days...
B goes to the field every day and I go to work at the high school.
School is about to come to an end, (2 weeks and counting) which means I am in need of another job ASAP. 
Our evenings consist of dinner, a little TV, dishes, the gym (if I get off my lazy bum), and simply just being with one another.
(pretty uneventful... I know.. but it works for us)
Being away from our friends and family has truly brought us even closer together.
I know I am one of the lucky ones who married my best friend.
B has been such a saint to me lately.
I do not know if it is the pregnancy, or if it is just me being exhausted from work, but I have been SO TIRED and he has been taking such great care of me.
He makes dinner most nights, wakes up and fixes me breakfast, makes the bed every morning, and even does my "honey-do" lists.

Last week we went to the doc for our monthly check up and today we went in for our 1st trimester screening.

I am currently 13 weeks and baby h is developing wonderfully
We heard the sweet little ones heartbeat again and we got to see it wiggle around. 
(the doc described its heartbeat as a running horse)
As for my belly... still not much has changed...
Just looks like I am constantly bloated. Blah! 
My pants are beginning to be more and more uncomfortable and I immediately change into sweats as soon as I get home from work.
As for being sick.... It has been nonexistent.
(I am one of the lucky ones)
Lately our little baby h wants anything potato form, green olives, and vinegar based foods.
We are so excited for our little one to arrive! 
I still cannot believe that we are going to be parents by the end of the year!


Eternal Families...

A wonderful weekend for the Howells.
We took a little trip out to Mesa to enjoy the blessings of the Temple.
B and I have been working on family history and it has been wonderful.
The more we do, the closer we feel to those who came before us.
(Plus, researching helps us know more family names in case we want to use them)
It is amazing work that is done within those walls.
 Being apart of it brings so much joy to my heart.
 I am so grateful for B and his love. 
I love the knowledge that we have and the fact that families can be eternal.



Today we got our first ultrasound.
I could have sat there forever and watched that screen.
Look at this sweet little peanut.

This little one would not stop moving around the whole time we were at the doctor.
We have a little wiggle worm on our hands here.
I am excited to see if it keeps it up throughout the rest of the pregnancy.
We also learned that I am not 12 weeks...
I am only 9 weeks.
This changes our due date from October 17th to November 11th.

I have not been suffering from morning sickness except for the few days I took my prenatal vitamins in the morning. (but now that we have learned that I am not as far along things might change) 
I have been real tired though.
I find myself wanting to nap... A LOT! 
B has been absolutely wonderful...
If I fall asleep on the couch (depending on the time) he will tip-toe around so he does not wake me, or he will carry me to bed. 
I got one good guy!
Pregnancy is certainly magical.
It ignites a spark you never knew was missing. 
I cherish the sweet moments when B kisses my tummy, or when he whispers sweet promises and love toward our unborn child.

Last Thursday we went to our doctors appointment and had the amazing opportunity to hear our sweet babies heartbeat. 
It took him awhile to find it but once he did, the sound that filled the room was so incredible. 
Looking over at B while we listened to that fast-paced lub-dub, it made me fall in love with him even more. 
We have created something together. 
  A little mini-Howell. 


Warming up in the pen....

We are excited to announce that...

(Don't know the gender yet)
I am currently 12 weeks and we couldn't be more excited! 
We had some pretty funny experiences when we told our families.
Screams from our Moms, Dad hitting his head on the wall,
comments about lady parts, and ninja fighting between sisters. 
We are looking forward to the next chapter of our lives and 
cant wait to meet our new little bundle of joy in October. 


Sunshine Weekend...

This past weekend was wonderful. 
The parents came down from Vegas for a little visit.
It was an absolute gorgeous weekend.
Clear blue skies, sunny, and perfect temperatures.

We spent our few days with them eating amazing food, 
watching a little bit of baseball, 
and enjoying the beautiful AZ weather.
Thanks for coming to see us Momma and Poppy. 
We sure loved having you around.


One for the books...

Such an incredible weekend...
B and I were able to go to California to support little Bo on her baptism day.
We spent the weekend with wonderful friends doing everything under the sun.
Loved every minuite of it.
[Our weekend in photos]

{Sweet little Bo McKenzie Worthen}

{Enjoyed the sunshine while having a little backyard party}

{He even had a chance to shoot his bow... He was in heaven}

{One of the greatest things about Cali is the amazing citrus trees. 
They decided to make lemonade... What could be better?} 

{Beach lovin in LA}

Couldn't have been a better weekend. 
We love the Worthens and all that they are to us. 
Thank you for taking us in as one of your own. 
We love each and every one of you.